How to Hold a Pen
We enter a conversation that has no beginning and no end. Discipline, devotion, symmetry. We make shapes that break away and change the course of history, surprising us all.
Love Me with the Lights On
Love me with the lights on. I want to see the contours that mark the intricate memory of you.
Romance fades in the daylight, unless it's made there too.
Grand Hope
Everyone has their own kind of dignity. Sacred and profane on the same block, in the same museum, in the eyes of the same people. And we're all the same people - in the eyes.
Morning - and the unfolding of time.
Negotiating fiercely with the unknown, I cannot permit death to take me this way. Instead, I open the animal of doubt inside this crunchy rib cage so I can smell my own blood and feel the pulse of my heart beat that connects me to all living things.
Exactly What to Worship
I have arrived at the bridge of no return,
when once traversed will lead to a truer home.
Strange beauty to behold this final step,
both perfectly called for, yet subtly pressed,
like a wildflower between two dated pages of a book,
somehow retaining its hue.