Human Design Foundational Consultation
A Foundational Consultation provides an entry point to understand how to make clear and trustworthy decisions according to your personal authority and unique intelligence.
Having an understanding of your unique blueprint can provide tremendously valuable information, and perhaps more importantly, help you grasp things about yourself and your life that are deeply empowering. True awareness is priceless in this life. An overview of your design can offer the experience of being seen, as well as a practical framework to begin experimenting with your unique strategy for operating congruently, and making decisions in alignment with you you really are.
A Foundational Consultation provides an entry point to understand how to make clear and trustworthy decisions according to your personal authority and unique intelligence.
Having an understanding of your unique blueprint can provide tremendously valuable information, and perhaps more importantly, help you grasp things about yourself and your life that are deeply empowering. True awareness is priceless in this life. An overview of your design can offer the experience of being seen, as well as a practical framework to begin experimenting with your unique strategy for operating congruently, and making decisions in alignment with you you really are.
A Foundational Consultation provides an entry point to understand how to make clear and trustworthy decisions according to your personal authority and unique intelligence.
Having an understanding of your unique blueprint can provide tremendously valuable information, and perhaps more importantly, help you grasp things about yourself and your life that are deeply empowering. True awareness is priceless in this life. An overview of your design can offer the experience of being seen, as well as a practical framework to begin experimenting with your unique strategy for operating congruently, and making decisions in alignment with you you really are.
Human Design offers a unique map of understand for your personal strengths and natural way of being in the world. Understanding the patterns of conditioning that have influenced your life can help you release resistance, cultivate acceptance, and follow the wisdom of your body’s natural intelligence.
Learn how your body navigates and moves through life.
Fine-tune your personal awareness and discernment.
Understand how your inner authority differs from external conditioning.
One Human Design Overview Session (90 minutes)
What we will cover:
Aura Type - Your energetic field, and how it interacts with others.
Strategy and Authority - Your unique decision-making mechanism, and how it relates with other elements in your design.
Definition - An overview of your unique strengths, and how they operate.
The Not-Self - Frequencies that are NOT you, that can distort your perception, and the way you are naturally designed to operate. (When operating correctly, these shadows can be transformed into your wisdom potentials.)
Profile - An overview of the conscious and unconscious characteristics of the role you play in the movie of your life.
Deeper elements of your design, as relevant.
Please note: Accurate birth information is required for this session. (Birth time rectification referral available upon request.)
Location: We will meet on video chat. (Once you purchase your session, I will be in touch to schedule your appointment, and send you the meeting room link to join me at your appointment time.)
After your initial session, if you’d like to go deeper, you may find value in follow-up sessions to deepen your integration.
If this resonates with you, I’d love to connect and explore how we might work together. Would you like to book a session?